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2.5 The variable section

The variable section is a simple array mapping names (strtab entries) to type IDs, intended to provide a replacement for the data object section in dynamic situations in which there is no static ELF strtab but the consumer instead hands back names. The section is sorted into ASCIIbetical order by name for rapid lookup, like the CTF archive name table.

The section is an array of these structures:

typedef struct ctf_varent
  uint32_t ctv_name;
  uint32_t ctv_type;
} ctf_varent_t;
0x00uint32_t ctv_name Strtab offset of the name
0x04uint32_t ctv_type Type ID of this type

There is no analogue of the function info section yet: v4 will probably drop this section in favour of a way to put both indexed (thus, named) and nonindexed symbols into the symtypetab sections at the same time.